Rimes has made its global library of validated, quality-assured ETF data available to all users of Rimes Online. The data is fully integrated into the platform and is being made available to Rimes Online users.
Financial sector firms using the platform now have access to complete ETF data to provide them with transparency of ETF compositions and analytics. Using the intuitive search tools on Rimes Online, investment professionals can query Rimes’ vast ETF data catalog, which covers numerous geographies, asset classes and ETF issuers.
Constantinos Demetriou, VP Product Manager at Rimes, commented: “As firms look to tap into the fast-growing ETF market, it’s important that interested parties have visibility into the index their ETFs track as well as all the financial instruments that comprise the fund. We’ve long made this data available to firms as a feed through the Rimes Managed Data Services. We’re now making ETF data available on Rimes Online, so that our clients can search and explore the data for their specific use cases and operational needs.”
Users of Rimes Online will be able to access ETF data on two levels:
Fund Level data including:
- Prices, NAVs, Index returns and visualization
- Identifiers
- Returns for various periods and across currencies
- Volatility and Risk Measures
- Asset Class, Currency, MIC, Dividend frequency
- Top 10 holdings view
- Correlations to other ETFs and 3.4 million indices.
ETF Look-through data including:
- Securities Identifiers (SEDOL, ISIN, CUSIP)
- Country, Currency other metadata
- Weights, Prices, Returns
Rimes’ ETF data will enable financial professionals to accurately assess the ETFs correlation to the benchmark it tracks by comparing portfolio data to index data taken from Rimes’ market leading index inventory. Additionally, users will be able to access information on the subscription status of ETFs and benchmarks. All data accessed on Rimes Online can be exported or fed directly in a fit-for-purpose format into research and operational systems.
Leveraging Rimes’ ETF data, firms will be able to check for hidden exposure to specific names and accurately measure event risk and exposure against factors such as country, sector, or rating class. Providing true insight into the risk exposure of an ETF, fund managers will be better placed to protect their clients’ interests and express their views to stakeholders. With Rimes’ ETF data, clients gain a high-quality look-through capability from Portfolio Management to Performance Reporting right across the investment cycle.
John Lanaro, Global Head of ETFs at Rimes adds: “As with all data processed by Rimes, our ETF data is taken direct from source, thanks to our strong partnerships with ETF issuers. We provide a complete set of composition and holdings data as well as robust validation processes around security, cash, and NAV roll-up. With Rimes, firms can access the highest quality data, ready to use, and enriched with third-party data. That saves firms time and effort on non-core data management tasks and allows them to focus on value-adding tasks.”
Contact Rimes to find out how we can help you streamline ETF data capture, eliminate costly internal processes and enable daily exposure insight, aggregation and reporting.
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